pinky, are you pondering what i'm pondering?
wuh, it's a lotta verbal diarrhea, but she can link to this site instead of typing it all over again.
enough already

here ranger is stretching trying to let me know he's bored
here ranger is stretching trying to let me know he's bored
comb me

"maybe if I scratch-- she'll quit swinging and brush my hair
comb me
"maybe if I scratch-- she'll quit swinging and brush my hair

ranger gets very impatient when I spend too much time swinging. here he's ignoring me when I swing back. as I swing forward he turns his head to me thinking I'll stop and pet him
ranger gets very impatient when I spend too much time swinging. here he's ignoring me when I swing back. as I swing forward he turns his head to me thinking I'll stop and pet him
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flying fur
one would think ranger would be hairless by now. we are both ready for this to end. baths are impossible during this time- the drain gets clogged with hair. ranger mopes if he's not bathed at least once a week. it's been almost two weeks since last bath
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blow out
shedding season still going strong -- go here for the rest of the story ...*clickity-click*
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ranger & jaxon
jaxon is about to tag ranger and make him "it"
ranger & jaxon
playing chase
the best thing about hanging clothes on the line to dry? playing chase while they are on the line
playing chase
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today is not your day
do you ever get the feeling that there is never "enough"? never enough hours. never enough minutes. never enough *you*.
-- post on the go from iphone
this is a sign i have at my back door. just at eye level for the average adult to easily view. yet it seems to be ignored. over and over and over again. then, when i say "oh ha'ell no, do it ya day'umn self" the fijo'a have the audacity to get upset. do people think I took the time to buy the sign and nail it to the door facing as a joke? it seems that my purpose in life is to help others feel better about their fuckups. well, i quit.
test post
are you smilin.?
are you smilin' yet???
bumped from 28 august 2008:
i say it goes to operate in another dimension ... as my spirit; you say whatever makes you feel better about dying. but back to masturbation ... feelings are electrical impulses and anything not taken to excess is not a fatal sin ... unless you do listen to religious dogma ... then you must confess and tithe or you will burn in hell .... aaaahhhll this got me to thinking of the *seven deadly sins* (note the date when it was conceived -- the church needed money - with this new religion and all starting to flourish)
i looked at these sins [which are really only aggressions against mankind] -- these things that the christian religion says you cannot be forgiven of and through a george carlin based process of elimination i have come to the conclusion that there is only one true aggression against mankind : gluttony --- over-indulgence in any part of a human's choice to relax or unwind --- eating, sex, laziness, hunger for money, blatant deception, greed [greed is the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others]
so in other words, after seeking enlightenment from many of the world's religions over the course of my life, i realize there is only one thing that we human's should really be aware of --- refraining from gluttony to the point of obsession that denies the rights of your fellow humans .... but i haven't really seen anything in all my searching that says we should limit our consumption of living, loving, and laughing -- and masturbation should allow you to fully enjoy all three of those to the utmost degree. so i'm ready to ascend to the throne as Your-Bikini-Clad-Empress, before i begin my world-domination-tour in 2009
blow out, stickers, washing, and spring time

with spring comes the dreaded "blow out". the once a year shedding that Akitas go through. they don't shed like most dogs. which is great. until the yearly shedding occurs. the white tufts on the ground is the first combing. there's about two more weeks worth to follow *sigh*
with spring comes the dreaded "blow out". the once a year shedding that Akitas go through. they don't shed like most dogs. which is great. until the yearly shedding occurs. the white tufts on the ground is the first combing. there's about two more weeks worth to follow *sigh*

I began a personal war about 3.5 years ago. now with most of my yard bare. I'm winning. more to come when I get to pc---m okay, where was i ... oh yeah, when the kids were young... it seems the yard was covered with stickers ... one of them (kids) would come in crying because of a sticker under the skin ... i would get the required tools , tweezers and pin, and remove the offending pricker ... and tell the kids .. "put your shoes on ... that is why we buy them" ... and off i would send them, to play in a yard full of offending prickers ... that all changed about 4 years ago ... the eldest grandson was walking barefoot in the yard and found a sticker patch ... he cried ... so in my grandmotherly voice i said, "don't cry baby, mema will get all the stickers out of the grass."
so, i first began by fertilizing the yard ... i was told this would choke out the offending weeds ... hmpf! not in my yard ... the stickers thrived on the fertilizer ... so i began pulling them up ... one by one ... sitting for hours ... pulling ... then moving to another spot ... pulling up the weeds there also ... if you'll note ... where i pulled this sticker up is mostly bare ... the grass is slowing growing where the stickers once ruled ... i am persistent and i am determined ... to the point of fanaticism it seems ... for i now will only find one or two plants a week ... if that many ...
the moral of this story ? i don't think there is one, unless you're a sticker ... then it would be ,"stay the ha'ell away from my yard."
I began a personal war about 3.5 years ago. now with most of my yard bare. I'm winning. more to come when I get to pc---m okay, where was i ... oh yeah, when the kids were young... it seems the yard was covered with stickers ... one of them (kids) would come in crying because of a sticker under the skin ... i would get the required tools , tweezers and pin, and remove the offending pricker ... and tell the kids .. "put your shoes on ... that is why we buy them" ... and off i would send them, to play in a yard full of offending prickers ... that all changed about 4 years ago ... the eldest grandson was walking barefoot in the yard and found a sticker patch ... he cried ... so in my grandmotherly voice i said, "don't cry baby, mema will get all the stickers out of the grass."
so, i first began by fertilizing the yard ... i was told this would choke out the offending weeds ... hmpf! not in my yard ... the stickers thrived on the fertilizer ... so i began pulling them up ... one by one ... sitting for hours ... pulling ... then moving to another spot ... pulling up the weeds there also ... if you'll note ... where i pulled this sticker up is mostly bare ... the grass is slowing growing where the stickers once ruled ... i am persistent and i am determined ... to the point of fanaticism it seems ... for i now will only find one or two plants a week ... if that many ...
the moral of this story ? i don't think there is one, unless you're a sticker ... then it would be ,"stay the ha'ell away from my yard."
wash day

spring is one of my favorite seasons, except for the snufficating allergies
wash day
spring is one of my favorite seasons, except for the snufficating allergies
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always there
fresh flowers

fresh flowers
always at my side
when I'm out weeding or just puttering about. ranger is with me making sure I don't fall because when I do he has to be my "sawhorse" to help me back up. it seems he thinks it best NOT to let me hit dirt than to help me up. so there are many times I go to bend over and get a faceful of fur.
always at my side
it's a dirty job but someone must keep me upright. that job falls to ranger.
faithful companion

faithful companion
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anybody in there?
White Noise
Mél Ancholy
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jaxon , gavin, ranger
gavin is teaching jaxon how to hit the ball with a bat. ranger wants to play fetch
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